Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rest Week

This week has been flying by. It's a rest week training wise which started with an awesome say Sunday. Sleeping in, riding to the beach for lunch, and getting things done around the house in the afternoon is much better than working the day after a hard race. It's also been a nice week to do some normal things like go out for cinco de mayo, and get try to get caught up on some things at work.

Tomorrow morning I even head for my motorcycle test at the DMV - wich me luck!

When i first looked up what the test consists of I thought it was a joke. Then I saw a couple forum posts where people were complaining about how hard it is. Maybe I should be glad we have the test to keep these guys off the road. If only the driving test could involve safely passing cyclists.

1 comment:

  1. great podium pic! you're such a bad ass. i like how you wear casual shorts for the podium...shammies just don't look good. you know me, all about style. :)
