I had already planned to write this post this weekend, but now that I'm in the hospital with Beth in the ealry stages of labor, the time is now.
One of my main riding goals this year was to make the selection for the Marathon Mountain Bike World Championships. I alreday took the biggest step in making that happen by qualifying with my result at the Grand Raid in Switzerland last summer. As far as I know I'm the only American to race a World Marathon Series event and place top 20 to automatically qualify for Worlds. The race is in France the first weekend of October.
Of course there was a big change for Beth and I at the start of this year. Plans have changed. I quickly thought back to a message from Church that Pastor Rick has talked about pretty often. Most of the time we get too busy in life. We have to learn to say no to some good things, in order to say yes to the best things. Now is the best opportunity I have ever had to do that. A fall race trip to Europe including Worlds would have been good, but the blessing Beth and I are about to receive will be the best.
As we wait to welcome our daughter into the world it's all in God's hands now. I'm so thankful for all that Beth and I already have, and can't really imagine the even better things we still have in store. Thank you to our family and friends for all of your support the last few months! We love you guys!
Whoo hoo! Prepare for excitement and sleep deprivationand a window into what unconditional love is all about. -Geoffrey