It's been another week of good health and great rides. Man I'm thankful for the beautiful places I have to ride!
Last week on some of my rides I listed to 4 different Saddleback church messages on creation (of the universe) and God. Back on Thanksgiving, Saddleback had our annual apologetics weekend. The 5 weekend services all had a different guest speakers, all experts in their fields, each speaking on the subject of creation. They were all PHD level scientists that are also Christians. The messages were awesome and each took a different approach to illustrate the same thing - science points more than ever to the fact that our world had a creator.
There were too many great points to go into here, but some of the basics are that:
Science isn't the only way to look at / know things
Experts in biology recognize that natural selection is real, but does result in macro-evolution
Scientific research of the universe points towards a creator
To me there is no better way to hear the evidence and explanations then while also experiencing life itself and observing the world around me - riding my bike! The beauty of the world and the intricacy of the human body are not by chance. Give thanks to God and enjoy life!
If you're interested in this kind of thinking - and you should be since your are alive - then you can check out Saddleback messages here - or here
And for those that are obsessed with endurance workouts - I had 2 big ones over the weekend.
Dang - and
Wow -
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