Friday, November 13, 2009


I've been spending most of my energy at the office this week, lots going on. I even went a couple days without looking at any cycling websites at the start of the week. Staying in shape is always on the mind though and i hit the gym a couple times with Beth this week. Early mornings are the time to go - the place is a Zoo in the evening. As for today, Beth is in the middle of a her big endurance run before the Vegas marathon as we speak - 20miles up by Newport. At least it's flat with good scenery. Then there's Manny leading La Ruta in Costa Rica, probably finishing stage 3 right now. Seeing him killing it down there makes me anxious to start ramping it up for next year... But for now I need to get back to work. I'll try to keep things fun for a couple more weeks and then at the start of December the balancing act is back on - work, train, rest.

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